Thursday, January 4, 2007

Why Do All Good Things Come To An End?

Posted by: Hakimbo

Well, by know everybody would have either been to first three months or just waiting for O Level results while working. Yeah! Ok, I'm currently in training to become a ........ [drumrolls] ....... KFC Delivery phone operator!! You know, the one that picks up the orders. Yes, they are not operated by voice-activated robots. We are, in fact, real! So if you wanna talk to me, call me by dialling 6235 3535. I promise I'll give you extra chilli sauce.

Anyway, so yesterday was the start of the new school year. Groans to everybody except for the people who just graduated. People like us. Don't you just miss singing Majulah Singapura? I mean, seriously, I think I forgot the lyrics already. Oh and the school song every Monday? Ooh ooh and morning digest? Oh I miss that. I wish I could do it again.

Honestly, I wanna start over as a Sec 4. I mean, Sec 4 was a really stressful year and I miss the stress.

Ok, whatever, I'm talking to myself now. So, if you wanna express yourself, whatever it is, be it how much you hate the new principal of your new JC or how lazy your boss/trainer is or tell everybody how much you love Mariah Carey (you go girl!) or if you wanna just vent your frustrations to the Singapore Education system (which is totally unfair), feel free to log in as 4r2006 as username and type in the password. Ask me or Felicia (Tilman) for the password because apparently, we are the only people who blogged on this blog.

Have a nice day

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